What are the best practices for setting up and managing AWS Cost Explorer across multiple AWS accounts and regions?

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AWS Service: AWS Cost Explorer

Question: What are the best practices for setting up and managing AWS Cost Explorer across multiple AWS accounts and regions?


Here are some best practices for setting up and managing AWS Cost Explorer across multiple AWS accounts and regions:

Enable Cost Explorer: The first step is to enable Cost Explorer for all the AWS accounts in your organization. This can be done through the AWS Organizations service.

Use Cost Allocation Tags: Assigning cost allocation tags to your AWS resources is an important step in cost management. Use consistent tagging conventions and enforce them across your organization.

Use Linked Accounts: If you have multiple AWS accounts, link them to a master payer account. This will allow you to view and analyze costs across all accounts.

Define Budgets: Create budgets for each account and service to track and manage costs. Use the AWS Budgets service to set up notifications and alerts for cost thresholds.

Utilize Reserved Instances: Review and optimize your usage of Reserved Instances to maximize cost savings.

Monitor Cost Trends: Regularly monitor cost trends and usage patterns across accounts and services to identify areas for optimization and cost reduction.

Use Custom Reports: Use custom reports in Cost Explorer to create customized views of your AWS usage and costs. This can help you identify areas for optimization and track progress over time.

Use Third-Party Tools: Consider using third-party tools and services that integrate with AWS Cost Explorer for enhanced cost optimization and reporting capabilities.

By following these best practices, you can effectively manage costs across multiple AWS accounts and regions using AWS Cost Explorer.

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