AWS Service: Reserved Instance (RI) Reporting
Question: What are the best practices for setting up and managing RI Reporting across multiple AWS accounts and regions?
Here are some best practices for setting up and managing RI Reporting across multiple AWS accounts and regions:
Enable RI Reporting: RI Reporting is not enabled by default, so make sure to enable it in the AWS Management Console for each of your accounts.
Ensure consistent tagging: Tagging is an important aspect of cost optimization and should be consistent across all resources in your accounts. Ensure that you have a tagging strategy in place and enforce it across all your accounts.
Use the right filters: When using RI Reporting, use filters to segment and analyze your costs effectively. Filters can be based on various criteria such as account, region, instance type, etc.
Regularly review your usage: Regularly review your usage of RIs across your accounts to identify areas where you can optimize your costs.
Use recommendations: AWS provides recommendations for RIs that can help you optimize your costs. Use these recommendations to identify potential savings opportunities.
Monitor your coverage: Monitor your coverage to ensure that you have enough RIs to cover your usage. If you find that you have unused RIs, consider selling them on the Reserved Instance Marketplace to recover some of your costs.
Integrate with other AWS services: Integrate RI Reporting with other AWS services such as AWS Cost Explorer or AWS Budgets to get a comprehensive view of your costs and optimize your spending.
Establish access controls: Ensure that access to RI Reporting is restricted to authorized users and roles. Use AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies to control access to the service.
Set up alerts: Set up alerts to notify you when there are changes in your RI usage or coverage. Use Amazon CloudWatch alarms to receive notifications when certain thresholds are reached.
Regularly review and refine your RI strategy: Regularly review and refine your RI strategy based on your usage patterns and the recommendations provided by AWS. Keep adjusting your RI purchase decisions to ensure maximum cost savings.
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