What are the monitoring and logging capabilities of AWS App Runner, and how can they be used to troubleshoot issues and optimize performance?

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AWS Service: AWS App Runner

Question: What are the monitoring and logging capabilities of AWS App Runner, and how can they be used to troubleshoot issues and optimize performance?


AWS App Runner provides built-in monitoring and logging capabilities to help developers troubleshoot issues and optimize application performance. Some of the key monitoring and logging features include:

AWS CloudWatch Metrics: App Runner integrates with AWS CloudWatch Metrics to provide real-time monitoring of key performance metrics such as CPU utilization, memory usage, and network traffic.

AWS CloudWatch Logs: App Runner also integrates with AWS CloudWatch Logs to enable logging of application events and errors. Developers can use CloudWatch Logs to analyze application logs and troubleshoot issues.

AWS X-Ray: App Runner integrates with AWS X-Ray, a service that enables tracing of requests across distributed applications. Developers can use X-Ray to identify and troubleshoot performance issues across application components.

Custom Metrics: App Runner also supports the publishing of custom metrics to CloudWatch. This allows developers to track application-specific performance metrics that are not captured by default CloudWatch metrics.

By leveraging these monitoring and logging capabilities, developers can quickly identify issues and optimize performance of their applications running on App Runner.

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