What are the different filters and grouping options available in AWS Cost Explorer and how can they be used to segment and analyze costs?

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AWS Service: AWS Cost Explorer

Question: What are the different filters and grouping options available in AWS Cost Explorer and how can they be used to segment and analyze costs?


AWS Cost Explorer provides various filtering and grouping options that can be used to segment and analyze costs. Some of these options are:

Time period: This option allows users to view costs over specific time periods, such as daily, weekly, or monthly. It can help identify trends and patterns in cost behavior.

Service: This option allows users to filter costs by AWS service, such as Amazon EC2, Amazon S3, or AWS Lambda. It can help identify which services are driving costs.

Linked account: This option allows users to filter costs by linked AWS accounts. It can help organizations with multiple AWS accounts to identify which accounts are driving costs.

Tag: This option allows users to filter costs by tags associated with AWS resources. It can help identify costs associated with specific teams, projects, or business units.

Instance type: This option allows users to group costs by instance type, such as t2.micro or m5.xlarge. It can help identify which instance types are driving costs.

Region: This option allows users to filter costs by AWS region, such as US East (N. Virginia) or EU (Ireland). It can help identify which regions are driving costs.

By using these filtering and grouping options, users can create custom reports that provide granular visibility into AWS costs and usage. They can also use this information to optimize costs by identifying areas where cost savings can be achieved.

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