How can AWS Cost and Usage Report be used to identify and address cost anomalies or usage spikes?

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AWS Service: AWS Cost and Usage Report

Question: How can AWS Cost and Usage Report be used to identify and address cost anomalies or usage spikes?


AWS Cost and Usage Report can be used to identify and address cost anomalies or usage spikes in several ways:

Filter and analyze the report data: Use the filtering and analysis capabilities of the AWS Cost and Usage Report to identify any usage spikes or cost anomalies. For example, you can filter by specific services, time periods, or tags to narrow down the data and identify any unexpected usage or cost changes.

Set up alerts and notifications: Use AWS Budgets or Amazon CloudWatch to set up alerts and notifications for when certain cost thresholds or usage levels are exceeded. This can help you catch any anomalies or spikes early and take corrective action.

Review usage patterns and trends: Regularly review usage patterns and trends in the AWS Cost and Usage Report to identify any changes in usage or cost over time. This can help you identify any anomalies or spikes and take corrective action.

Analyze root causes: Once an anomaly or spike has been identified, it is important to analyze the root cause. This can involve reviewing application logs or performance metrics, analyzing network traffic, or engaging with AWS support. By identifying and addressing the root cause, you can prevent similar anomalies or spikes from occurring in the future.

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