Category: Application Integration
Service: Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS)
SNS provides flexible message filtering and routing capabilities, allowing you to send messages to multiple subscribers based on their specific interests or requirements. SNS supports two types of filtering: message filtering and subscription filtering.
With message filtering, SNS allows you to define a set of message attributes and values that determine which subscribers receive a particular message. When you publish a message to an SNS topic, you can include these attributes and values as message metadata, and SNS will use them to filter the message and send it only to subscribers that have expressed interest in messages with those specific attributes and values. This helps to reduce the volume of messages that subscribers receive, as they only receive messages that are relevant to them.
Subscription filtering, on the other hand, allows you to apply filters at the subscription level. When you create a subscription to an SNS topic, you can specify a filter policy that defines the criteria for selecting messages that should be delivered to the subscriber. This filter policy can include one or more message attributes and their values, and SNS will use this policy to filter messages before sending them to the subscriber. Subscription filtering is useful when you want to create fine-grained control over which messages are sent to specific subscribers.
Overall, SNS’s message filtering and routing capabilities enable you to create highly targeted and efficient messaging systems that reduce costs and improve performance. By filtering and routing messages only to the subscribers that need them, you can reduce the number of messages sent and received, and optimize the use of computing resources.
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