How does SNS support different types of message endpoints and protocols, such as HTTP, HTTPS, or SMTP?

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Category: Application Integration

Service: Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS)


Amazon SNS supports a variety of message endpoints and protocols, which allow developers to easily distribute messages to a wide range of recipients. Some of the supported endpoints and protocols include:

HTTP and HTTPS: With HTTP/HTTPS endpoints, you can publish messages to RESTful APIs, webhooks, and other HTTP/HTTPS resources.

Email: SNS allows you to send email notifications to a list of subscribers or to a specific email address.

SMS: You can use SNS to send text messages to mobile phone numbers in more than 200 countries.

Mobile push notifications: SNS provides support for sending push notifications to mobile devices using Apple Push Notification Service (APNS), Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM), and other popular protocols.

Lambda function: You can configure SNS to invoke a Lambda function when a message is published to a topic.

SQS queue: SNS can also be used to send messages to an Amazon SQS queue, which can then be processed by one or more consumers.

Overall, SNS provides a flexible and scalable way to send messages to a variety of endpoints and protocols, making it a versatile tool for building event-driven architectures.

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