What are the different components of an Amazon Sumerian scene, and how do they work together to create immersive experiences?

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Category: AR & VR

Service: Amazon Sumerian


Amazon Sumerian provides several components to create immersive experiences. The main components of an Amazon Sumerian scene are:

Entities: These are the basic building blocks of a scene. Entities are 3D objects or models that can be placed in a scene and used to create interactive experiences.

Assets: These are the resources used by entities, such as textures, materials, and animations. Assets can be imported into Sumerian from external sources or created within Sumerian.

Hosts: These are characters with advanced AI capabilities that can be used to create lifelike interactions in a scene.

Scenes: These are the virtual environments created in Sumerian where entities, assets, and hosts are placed to create an immersive experience.

Scripts: These are used to create interactivity in a scene. Scripts are written in JavaScript and can be used to create complex logic and behavior for entities and hosts.

Layouts: These are used to define the arrangement of entities in a scene and can be used to create complex layouts and configurations.

Animations: These are used to create movement and motion in a scene. Animations can be created for entities and hosts, and can be triggered by user interactions or other events.

All these components work together to create immersive experiences that can be used for a variety of applications such as virtual training, education, and entertainment.

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