What are the different cost allocation tags available in AWS Cost Explorer and how can they be used to provide more granular visibility and control over AWS costs?

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AWS Service: AWS Cost Explorer

Question: What are the different cost allocation tags available in AWS Cost Explorer and how can they be used to provide more granular visibility and control over AWS costs?


AWS Cost Explorer supports several cost allocation tags that can be used to provide more granular visibility and control over AWS costs. These include:

AWS-generated tags: AWS generates several tags automatically, including the tags “aws:createdBy”, “aws:cloudformation:stack-name”, and “aws:cloudformation:logical-id”. These tags can be useful for identifying the sources of costs within your AWS account.

User-defined tags: You can create your own custom tags to categorize resources within your AWS account. For example, you might create tags based on business unit, project, or environment.

AWS-generated cost allocation tags: AWS also generates cost allocation tags based on the services and resources that you use. These tags can provide additional granularity for cost analysis and optimization.

By leveraging these cost allocation tags, you can gain deeper insight into your AWS costs and identify areas where you can optimize spending. For example, you can use tags to compare costs across different business units or projects, or to identify resources that are not being fully utilized. You can also use tags to set up cost allocation reports in AWS Cost Explorer or in other AWS cost management tools, such as AWS Budgets or AWS Cost and Usage Report.

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