What is AWS Wavelength, and how does it enable ultra-low latency applications at the edge of the network?

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AWS Service: AWS Wavelength

Question: What is AWS Wavelength, and how does it enable ultra-low latency applications at the edge of the network?


AWS Wavelength is a service that allows developers to build ultra-low latency applications for mobile devices and connected devices that require real-time responses by placing compute and storage resources at the edge of the network. This enables applications to process data and perform actions in real-time, reducing the latency and improving the overall user experience. With AWS Wavelength, developers can deploy their applications at the edge of the network, in close proximity to their end-users, enabling them to provide low-latency and high-bandwidth connectivity.

AWS Wavelength is designed to work with 5G networks and enables developers to build applications that can take advantage of the unique capabilities of 5G, such as low-latency, high-bandwidth, and edge computing. AWS Wavelength provides access to the same AWS services and APIs that developers use in the cloud, but it enables them to deploy their applications in a distributed manner, closer to their end-users.

AWS Wavelength is currently available in multiple locations around the world and is continuing to expand. By bringing compute and storage resources closer to end-users, AWS Wavelength enables developers to build applications with ultra-low latency and improved user experiences.

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